Setup Product Category

How to add a product category?

To start adding a Product Category:

  1. Choose "Products Categories" in the Explorer.

  2. Click on "Add new Product Category".

  3. Enter the Name of the Product Category.

  4. Upload a Thumbnail (reduced-size version of the image) for the new product category. We recommend using a raster image 110x110px maximum. If the image proportions are larger the image will be automatically resized to fit the 110x110px.

  5. Select the Parent Category.

  6. Click on "Save" to save the Product Category.

How to edit a product category?

To start editing a product category:

  1. Choose "Products Categories" in the Explorer.

  1. Choose the product category you want to edit from the list of product categories.

  1. Edit options from the list of options.

  1. Click on "Save" to save edited options.